Thursday, September 27, 2007

For a cleaner greener future...

Saving the environment doesn’t have to be time consuming! Here are just some simple tips on ways to help and do our part for saving the earth not only for our generations but for future generations to come…

Start a recycling program. Segregation of wastes in the forms of plastic, paper and others (metal) and bio-degradable/non-biodegradable can be of great help. You can also sell the aluminum or other various materials to recycling plants for extra cash!!

Form compost for use in gardens/lawn areas. The bio-degradable waste that you separate can be used to form composting compounds for fertilizer in your garden and/or lawn area and is especially great for trees.

Change your current bulbs to fluorescent or halogen bulbs. Incandescent bulbs give off heat better than they are at lighting areas. It will help out on your electric bill and you don’t have to see your meter spinning a hundred revs a minute!

Keep your vehicle clean. By that, I don’t mean on the outside!! Keeping your vehicle tuned up reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and other wastes produced by your vehicle. It also saves you money in the long run and makes your vehicle run smoother. Now you don’t have to hear the other drivers screaming “Smokescreen activated batman!” when they pass you by. For the old R-22 freon users, please replace with R-134 as it is less damaging to our ozone layer.

Try using alternative resources of energy. If you don’t know of any, just Google it on the net, there are many out there that you can read about. You can also try doing some of the projects yourself if you’re handy around the house and mechanically inclined. Instructions are included in most articles and it’s a great and rewarding experience to do it yourself!!

Always recover/dispose of used oil and other hazardous chemicals/materials. Do not dump them in the sewer, as it is illegal and unethical. One drop of oil can ruin thousand of gallons of water. Some of the effects are also detrimental to the health of animals as well as humans. You wouldn’t want to drink or take a bath in oil would you?

Spread the word….This is perhaps the most powerful tool in your arsenal for combating the greenhouse effect and the death of our planet. Read a lot and inform others…be a leader to others from your school or work place. Blog on the environment!

Always turn lights off when not in use and that goes for the water faucet also. Use a cup when brushing your teeth. Use a bucket for washing your car or other items. Water is of the key to life and without it, there is no earth or beauty anymore. Imagine a vast desert, that about sums it up what our earth would look like without water.

Plant a tree!! They are good for the other environment. You can do it yourself or join other people. When you plant a tree, you have left something behind that hopefully will bring other people joy and it will contribute to the healing of the earth.

Use of public transportation systems is a big help. Carpool when you can, or ride the bus. You might even be able to bike/walk to work, depending on the weather and how far it is of course.

Taking short showers instead of baths saves a lot of water not to mention savings on your water/electric bill except for the "once in a while-I'm really stressed and need a hot bath thing!"

Make sure all faucets and supply pipes for the sinks, bathroom fixtures, toilets etc. are not leaking.

Water only in the early morning or evening when the sun is not out so much. It reduces evaporation of the water and once again saves you money!! Remember, sidewalks and driveways don't grow no matter how much you water them, so keep water in the lawn or garden area.

Do not throw away styro-foam cups, plates or anything of that nature from your car. Use containers when you can for lunch items. Litterbugs are the worse pests out there for the environment.

Voting on environmental issues makes a tremendous impact on us all. Your vote counts, so go and vote! If you don't know what the current issues are, just visit your local Environmental Protection Agency and ask, they are always happy to help!

Well, these are just some tips that you can do to help our earth…there are a lot more which are not listed here. If you would like to contribute, comment on it! Every word of advice helps for a greener cleaner future!! Giga

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