Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Halloween in the Philippines...

Hey? Ok so you're saying to yourself, they have Halloween in the Philippines? Well, actually we have Hallow's Eve here but we celebrate it in a different fashion. It is celebrated on October 31 in the states but November 1 in the Philippines. A few people or companies get in the spirit by dressing in costumes, but not as big an occasion for dressing up and trick or treating as there in the states.

We celebrate Halloween here by visiting our near and dear relatives that have already passed away. Our whole family gathers at a meeting place, either one or two places. Almost the whole cemetary is full that we can hardly even move. Usually after the tents and chairs are set up, we then eat and spend the whole day at the graves of our family members, remembering him or her for them and when they used to be with us.

It is a sad and happy time also. Of course they are there in spirit with us also celebrating. People usually bring food as an offering to our family members and we clean the graves as best as we can. We light a candle and pray for not only them but also us and our families. We ask them for guidance and help with everything that's near or dear to our hearts. I guess by visiting them not only do we remember who they were but for the person they were and all their sacrifices that they have done for us. It makes us happy we are alive and brings us back to reality that we will be there in their place one day.

But in all in all it is a great day...full of love, bonding and remembrance for the people who gave us life and were there with us along the journey of life. This is my personal thank you.

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