Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Making ends meet and meat....

Every time I sit in front of this computer, I always have my hopes high even though I know that most likely it's going to be the same old thing everyday. Searching for a better thing for your family is a weekly or monthly activity or even a daily crusade for others like myself. I know I'm not supposed to be on the Internet while at work. But, I guess I am trying to save money (by not having to got to the internet cafe after work) and be productive at the same time? Somewhere I read that blogging or any activity taken 1 hour off from work increases productivity. So, I decided to give it a try.

Living from paycheck to paycheck isn't something new. For many, it's everyday life and some either have embraced it or tried to find another way. At least, they tried and succeeded or failed, I tip my hat to them for breaking the mold. Where I live right now, everything is going up. The gas (lpg), rice, vegetables, meat and other everyday stuff that you would end up buying at the marketplace. Living below your means is not always easy, but it will help you survive. You won't have to end up wondering or worried about where your next meal will come from after you've paid all the bills. Believe me, those bills will never go away!

Here are some tips that you can use to save you some money. Either save it or spend it, but spend it wisely. After all, you are the ones who sacrificed for it.

1. One of the most obvious and helpful tips. Live below your means. That means differentiate the items that you "need" vs. "want". For example, you "want" that awesome car stereo for your car (save for it instead) but you do "need" to pay your rent on time. Be a good "spender and earner at the same time".

2. Make a list of "needs and wants" that way it will help differentiate the two and you can always refer back to your list if you "forgot".

3. Pay the bills that you do have on time. This avoids you having to pay surcharges and interest. Imagine, all the money you can save, just by avoiding this!!

4. Bring your lunch to work if time permits. It's a lot more frugal to bring a sack lunch instead of having to buy your lunch at a restaurant. (Eat out on special occasions or when you "have" to).

5. Research on the internet about ways to save your electrical consumption (using fluorescent bulbs etc.) and water usage (controlling leaks, baths). It might bring those utility bills a little lower "to a much more manageable state at least".

6. Open a savings account and set aside at least 20% of your final pay. At least you will have "emergency" money or money set aside if you need it.

7. Learn how to cook. This can go along with #4 above. This will help you bring those eating costs down and it might be fun!!

8. Always research the various companies when buying insurance for your home, car or whatnot. There is always a lower price out there, you just have to look.

9. Have your partners, be it your wife, husband, roommates or whatever chip in and help you. They will learn to be better at saving and be better spenders also.

10. Carpool- it helps you save on the gas money or car maintenance expenditures and will get you to work on time and safe. You are also doing the earth a favor by lessening pollution.

11. If you own a vehicle, keeping it tuned up and running great will help you avoid costly repairs, thus saving you a trip to the grease monkeys.

12. Have a garage sale and throw out all of that junk. You don't really need those ugly sweaters anymore do you? Having a garage sale will help alleviate expenses and maybe you might find stuff that you can revive from the dark abyss called your closet.

13. Use coupons when you can. Companies didn't print them out for nothing. A hefty discount can be had if you use them frequently. You would be surprised I betcha!

The above list is by no means complete, maybe there are some good tips I missed or didn't list, but these are some that I have implemented into my life and am now just recovering from debt. Abide by these tips and they will help you save. Living frugal doesn't have to suck. You just have to adjust and see where you are free to move.

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